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Friday, 19 January 2007
Aleksandar Belic, Antun Balaz, Branimir Ackovic, and Neda Svraka gave EGEE and AEGIS user training on January 19, 2007. The training took place at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Novi Sad.
Introduction to Clusters and Grids (30 min) - Aleksandar Belic
AEGIS, EGEE-II, and SEE-GRID-2 (30 min) - Aleksandar Belic
Introduction to gLite (30 min) - Antun Balaz
gLite basic services (90 min) - Antun Balaz
AEGIS, EGEE-II, and SEE-GRID-2 Infrastructure (30 min) - Antun Balaz
Workload Management (30 min) - Neda Svraka
Data Management (30 min) - Neda Svraka
Examples of Typical Grid Usage (60 min) - Branimir Ackovic
15 May, 2013
SCL's research in EGI case studies -
19 October, 2012
Are comets born in asteroid collisions? -
19 December, 2011
SCL at 4th HPC and Grid Workshop in Iran -
23 September, 2011
SCL at EGI Technical Forum 2011 -
25 March, 2011
EGI Hands On Training for AEGIS Users -
07 March, 2011
EGI Training for AEGIS Site Administrators -
25 January, 2011
AEGIS at EGI operations meeting -
08 December, 2010
Short interview about the Blue Danube Facility