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As a part of SEE-GRID-SCI NA3 activities, a two-day site administrator training event is organized by the Scientific Computing Laboratory of the Institute of Physics Belgrade on Thursday, March 5 and Friday, March 6, 2009. After detailed description of SEE-GRID-SCI operations and monitoring tools followed by demonstration, in several hands-on sessions new SEE-GRID-SCI site AEGIS08-PHY-DEMO was installed and configured. Since the new site is installed from scratch, demonstration of Operating System (OS) installation and configuration is preformed first. During the first day AEGIS08-PHY-SCL YAIM configuration file from SEE-GRID-SCI YAIM template is created, and using it User Interface (UI), Computing Element (CE) and site BDII (BDII_site) are installed and configured. During the second day Workers Nodes (WNs), Storage Element (SE), Monitoring System Collector Server (MON), Top-level BDII (BDII) and Workload Management System (WMS) services of new AEGIS08-PHY-DEMO site are installed and configured. During the training all installation and configuration problems are solved and participants are provided with solutions.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
09:30 Opening, Aleksandar Belic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
09:45 Overview of the Training, Dusan Vudragovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
10:00 SEE-GRID-SCI Operations Procedures, Antun Balaz, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
10:45 SEE-GRID-SCI Monitoring Tools, Antun Balaz, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
11:30 Coffee break
11:45 Hands-on Session: Operations Procedures and Monitoring Tools, Antun Balaz, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
12:30 Overview of YAIM and SEE-GRID-SCI YAIM templates, Dusan Vudragovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
13:15 Lunch break
14:30 Hands-on Session: Operating System Installation and Configuration, Vladimir Slavnic Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
15:30 Hands-on Session: User Interface (UI) Installation and Configuration, Branimir Ackovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
16:15 Coffee break
16:30 Hands-on Session: Computing Element (CE) and site BDII Installation and Configuration, Dusan Vudragovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
20:00 Dinner
Friday, March 6, 2009
10:00 Hands-on Session: Worker Node (WN) Installation and Configuration, Milos Ivanovic Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
10:45 Hands-on Session: Storage Element (SE) Installation and Configuration, Branimir Ackovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
11:45 Coffee break
12:00 Hands-on Session: Monitoring System Collector Server (MON) Installation and Configuration, Vladimir Slavnic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
13:00 Hands-on Session: Top-level BDII Installation and Configuration, Branimir Ackovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
14:00 Lunch break
15:15 Hands-on Session: Workload Management System (WMS) Installation and Configuration, Dusan Vudragovic and Antun Balaz, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
16:15 Coffee break
16:30 Hands-On Session: Visualization and Grid Computing with XEN, Milan Potocnik, Belgrade University Computing Centre, Serbia
Further information are available at phyWiki page together with training photo gallery.
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